CATS&ZS, "Children, Apps, Tablets and Smartphones
&Zero to Seventeen".
OCA Research Group
OCA Research Group

Website under construction, Toolkit and Data available in 2022.

1. Research "CATS&ZS" and "CATS&Health".

2. Descriptive, see reports-books and articles.

3. Toolkit (Under research embargo, open access in 2022)

4. Data (Under research embargo, open access in 2022)

5. Journal Articles, Books and Posters: 2018 Poster ECREA 2018 Lugano,

Article 1: Núñez-Gómez, P., Ortega-Mohedano, F. & Larrañaga-Martínez, K. (2021). Habits of use and consumption of smart screens among children
from 7 to 9 years old in Spain
. Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación/Mediterranean Journal of Communication, 12(1), 191-204.

Article 2: Ortega-Mohedano, F., & Pinto-Hernández, F. (2021). Predicting wellbeing in children’s use of smart screen devices.  Comunicar, 66, 119-128.

Books-Report See at (2020) "El consumo y el uso de los dispositivos y apps por los niños y niñas de la generación Alpha" , and (2020) "Actitudes de los niños, niñas y adolescentes hacia el uso seguro de Internet y las redes sociales"

6. Conferences and other sites: See .